Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Time for Some Campaignin'

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Elephant paints self portrait


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Friday, July 04, 2008

毛孟靜 程翔

Dog's Eye!

明報新聞網 - 副刊 - 時裝堅尼系數




勞力士 « 案內人隨筆


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Tuesday, July 01, 2008


明報即時新聞 - 七一遊行結束人數減少[20:15]


Lie at Apple



from Apple Daily
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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008


(民主派人士)男生發酵宿舍: 恭喜大佬

明報新聞網 - 論壇 - 王永愷、李秀莉、麥明禮、李康喬﹕回應〈我�

9-6-08 added 給陳智遠的信﹕To: Paul - Yahoo! 新聞

10-6-08 added, Incoherent thoughts 雙語 Incoherent thoughts: 我挺「十三萬助理」陳智遠

13-6-08 added明報新聞網 - 港聞 - 陳智遠曾批問責制不問責 如今做官否認有矛盾


蔚藍的天空: 強醫金搵中產笨


she said:

Well you know it was very interesting because at first, you know, I am not happy about the ways the Chinese were treating the Tibetans because I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And so I have been very concerned about how to think and what to do about that because I don’t like THAT.

And I had been this, you know, concerned about, oh how should we deal with the Olympics because they are not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a good friend of mine.

And all these earthquake and stuff happened and I thought: IS THAT KARMA... when you are not nice that bad things happen to you?

And then I got a letter, from the Tibetan Foundation that they want to go and be helpful. And that made me cry. And they ask me if I would write a quote about that and I said, “I would.” And it was a big lesson to me, that some times you have to learn to put your head down and be of service even to people who are not nice to you. And that’s a big lesson for me...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

孩子 & 溫室氣體 ! ! !

理想人口信託組織 | 台灣環境資訊協會-環境資訊中心


人口老化 & 經濟



「你媽是男還是女?」 « 媽媽阿四







數數燭光 面對真相

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from HKET

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


每日一膠 - 荒謬的香港: 呃鬼食豆腐



Thursday, May 08, 2008


via Chan Tai Man

Monday, May 05, 2008

You @HK$35

How much is my body worth?

65% Oxygen
18% Carbon
10% Hydrogen
3% Nitrogen
1.5% Calcium
1% Phosphorous
0.35% Potassium
0.25% Sulfur
0.15% Sodium
0.15% Chlorine
0.05% Magnesium
0.0004% Iron
0.00004% Iodine


via 五師兄


糧食危機中對富人和中國的期待 - 林行止


Wednesday, April 30, 2008


强烈要求世界像朝鲜一样-韩寒 - 新浪BLOG


蘋果日報 - 要聞港聞 - 20080429 - 蘋論:講愛國,先弄清楚國家是甚麼


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Free Tibet

明報新聞網 - 論壇 - 董建華﹕西藏今昔對比 事實勝於雄辯




Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Streets Of London
-Ralph McTell

Have you seen the old man
In the closed-down market
Kicking up the paper,
with his worn out shoes?
In his eyes you see no pride
And held loosely at his side
Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl
Who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
She's no time for talking,
She just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home in two carrier bags.


In the all night cafe
At a quarter past eleven,
Same old man is sitting there on his own
Looking at the world
Over the rim of his tea-cup,
Each tea last an hour
Then he wanders home alone


And have you seen the old man
Outside the seaman's mission
Memory fading with
The medal ribbons that he wears.
In our winter city,
The rain cries a little pity
For one more forgotten hero
And a world that doesn't care


from the view of gods

Love is Everywhere

Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志: Love is in the air - 谷歌地球上发现的“爱”


明治維新 - Wikipedia

香港 vs 新加坡


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008


余有虛言: 侮辱了自己




Tuesday, February 19, 2008

也許太保守, 但保護守護了不能自保者

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壹個字: 錢

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full page advertisement of Apple Daily at 14-2-2008

Monday, February 18, 2008


Hong Kong Media Buster 踢爆香港傳媒: 疑似淫褻的私隱事件
